The Curve In The Road

Being diagnosed with scoliosis and a stress fracture in my vertebrae was devastating, and hearing the words “you may never dance again” left my dreams shattered and my path broken.  I had to pick up the pieces… it would take everything I had, both physically and mentally, but with a lot of resilience and determination I knew I could prove the doctors wrong.  My “road to recovery”, started with hope.

My story is not so different from yours.  Every one of us faces adversity.  That’s why I started “The Curve in the Road” a program to help teens navigate their own challenges in life. It has been an honor and a privilege to use my title and crown to be a voice to help others.  Through social media, personal visits, and presentations I share a 4 step process using the acronym B.E.N.D to help them identify and conquer their own roadblocks.

My goal is to empower those faced with obstacles, to BE BRAVE, to EDUCATE themselves as much as possible, to help them NAVIGATE their “curve” with the resources, tools, and support they need, and to DEVELOP as a person on their road to success.  “When you come to “the curve in the road” – and we all do at some point – my motto is “learn to BEND, Don’t break!

If you'd like me to visit your school, group, or organization, please CLICK HERE to contact me or to request a visit or presentation.

When you come to "The Curve in The Road" - BEND, don't break!


4 simple principles to help navigate " the curve in the road!"

B: Be Brave. Facing a challenge or new obstacle can be hard. Take a deep breath and tell yourself 'I can do this!' Mental strength is so important.
E: Educate. Learn about the problem you're facing.
N: Navigate. Take what you learn as well as advice from others who have faced similar challenges to move forward.
D: Develop. As you grow and master your curve, share what you've learned to assist others in overcoming their own obstacles.

If you'd like to request a presentation from Brindee for your school, group, or club, please click here.